HOME, being, where the heart is. My Mom always kept a framed picture of the saying "Home is where the Marine Corps sends you" laying around. Considering we lived in approximately 8? different places since I was born, I'de say the saying is pretty true. And since I grew up military and have ended up promising forever and always with a military man, this means, I GET IT. And I get everything good and bad that comes with it. Health care, GOOD! Deployments, BAD. Skype? AWESOME. At the end of the day it doesnt matter what that special person in your life does for a living. When its all said and done, every time they go away, it's worth the wait, and when they come home, you are lucky enough to spend another day with the person who makes your soul sing. Whenever I question if its all worth it (because its HARD, and yes I have questions), I kick myself in the ass, tell myself to stop being such an idiot, and remember how fucking happy I am when that man comes home, holds me, and tells me loves me.
Here are some recent Deployment Homecoming photos, and even though a Navy Seal comes home much more quietly than some, without big banners or dressed up in uniform, their homecomings are just as happy, just as heartfelt, just as big a GIFT, and just as celebrated.
Kiss your loved ones today and remember how lucky you are to have them.