A Big Day

The official launch of ( drum roll please... ) Tatum Kathleen Photography, was a success and very liberating! I feel free from the shackles tying me to my computer, endless internet templates, and html coding (what does that even mean!). Being technologically challenged does not stop me, but sure does make this much more difficult. The web design class I enrolled in, I attended for about a day, give or take a few hours, and I now use the text book to support the one wobbly side of my piano. Alas! I persevered. Thankfully I have a wonderful best friend who bails me out of almost every computer disaster I've ever gotten myself into. (Thanks Whit. also, I love you.)

In conjunction with the launch of the website I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to assist an amazing wedding photography team Love&Art Photography. Paul & Adriana are used to working with me as their subject for various projects ( pictured below ),

but it was just as wonderful working with them behind the camera. It was an amazing venue, Seven Degrees , in the always beautiful Laguna Beach. I'm looking forward to our next wedding adventure and since I have way to many photos to post on my actual website, I figured it couldn't hurt to make one of these "blog" things for all those wonderful "behind the scenes" photos I adore.

look out world... Here I come!


World's Most Supportive Assistant


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