Forgive me BLOG world...

for I have sinned!

I have failed miserably at my attempts to keep up to date on my blogging, but today is a new day, so without further ado...

Tatum Kathleen Photography has been busy! Like receiving our Coronado business license! *virtual high five* and opening a business account at the bank complete with checks and credit cards made out to Tatum Kathleen Photography. It seems silly, but I have never owned my own business before so I'm giving myself a pat on the back for all the hard work, blood, sweat, and tears I've put into my little venture! I quit my job *gasp* and I am OFFICIALLY a full-time photographer. Let the joys of self-employment status be upon us. This is horribly frightening when you don't have any sort of guaranteed income. It keeps you on your toes though, or at least, off your ass! And if you're going to do something, I say jump in with both feet! You certainly aren’t going to get any new clients sitting around and hoping they come knocking on your door. So here’s to not working for ‘the man’, and getting to go to work in your pajamas!

Photo, Hair, Make-up, Styling : Tatum Kathleen Photography




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